SteppingStone Day School, established in 1983, is a private, not for profit preschool program and evaluation site for children with and without special needs. The agency’s mission is to provide collaborative evaluation, education, therapy and family support services so that young children can develop to their full potential and join with their families and friends as members of the community.
We achieve this through several fundamental methods:
• Fluid communication between school and home.
• Multidisciplinary reports on the child’s progress and evolving support needs.
• Resources available to families to extend the supportive learning environment to home.
• Liaisons to the community to foster relationships, understanding, and a nurturing environment for
the children and families whom we serve.
SSDS holds firm in the belief that all children are entitled to a safe, nurturing and enriched learning environment. Best practices in the field of Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education which support this philosophy include:
Integration of age appropriate and state of the art technology and mobility devices to guarantee maximum access to the learning environment and increased independence for children with communication disorders and physical challenges.
Small group size and diverse student to staff ratios allow for the acceptance of students with varying special needs, diverse learning styles and a range of management/support needs.